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Melted Snowman White Chocolate Covered Oreos

These adorable treats come together in just 25 minutes! Perfect for holiday parties or a playful kitchen activity with the kids, t
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  • 16 Oreo cookies
  • 10 oz white chocolate chips
  • 16 medium marshmallows
  • Black decorating icing
  • Orange decorating icing
  • Pretzel sticks
  • Mini M&Ms


  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. This will make sure your cookies don’t stick and cleanup is a breeze!
  • Using black decorating icing, pipe two small dots for the eyes and four dots in a curved pattern for the mouth. With the orange decorating icing, pipe a little line between the eyes and mouth to form a nose.
  • Snap the pretzel sticks into ½-inch pieces. These will serve as your snowmen’s arms, so you want them to be short and sturdy.
  • In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the white chocolate chips in 30-second intervals. Stir between each round until smooth. The goal is a silky, snow-like consistency for dipping your Oreos!
  • Now for the fun part! Take an Oreo, dip it into the melted white chocolate, and flip it around using a fork to make sure it's fully coated. Once covered, place it on the prepared baking sheet.
  • Before the white chocolate hardens, press your marshmallow snowman head toward the back of the Oreo. Then, place three mini M&Ms in front of the marshmallow for buttons and press two pretzel arms into the sides of the Oreo. They should resemble adorable, slightly “melted” snowmen!
  • Pop your decorated Oreos in the freezer for 10 minutes to let the chocolate set. Once they’ve hardened, they’re ready to enjoy!
Author: carlycampbell